Guidelines for authors

Make a new submission or view your pending submissions. 

Author Guidelines   

All contributions to ES Review. Spanish Journal of English Studies must be submitted online through the 'Register' or 'Login' button above.

  1. Important dates
  • Annual Call for Submissions: May
  • Deadline for submission of originals: 30 November. Proposals after that date are accepted and will be considered and assessed for publication, though their inclusion in the current issue cannot be guaranteed. 
  • Notifications to authors: April
  • Each annual volume is issued during the autumn term.
  1. Basic requirements

To be considered for publication in ES Review, manuscripts must comply with the following basic requirements: 

    2.1 General 

  1. Focus and scope. Proposals should address theoretical or empirical issues related to the research areas within the journal’s scope. See About/Focus & Overview.
  2. Originality. Manuscripts must be original, unpublished, and not be in the process of revision or approved for publication in another journal.
  3. Style. They must be adequately and clearly written and free of grammatical, spelling and other language errors. Seeking assistance with editing before submission is recommended when English is a non-native language.

      2.2 Specific to articles 

1. Rigour. Articles must present a sound theoretical approach, a well-designed methodology, well-supported statements and results, as well as reasonable conclusions.
2. Structure. Whenever possible, they should follow an internal structure similar to that of the IMRaD model (Introduction-Methods-Results-Discussion) for the communication of scientific results:

  • Introduction and Methodology. The introduction should be understood to offer the object of study, describing the problem it attempts to address, the method of analysis, and the primary and secondary sources employed.
  • Results and Discussion. The central part of the text should be used to analyse and interpret the object of study. To arrange content, authors may use as many epigraphs and sections as necessary.
  • Conclusion. This section should be used to precise the results of the research in a systematic way. Important and original contributions offered by the research results should be emphasised, as well as the future lines of research opened by its findings.

3. Title, abstract, keywords, summary. The text of articles should be accompanied by a title, a 100-word abstract, 5 keywords or phrases, and a summary list of contents, both in English and in Spanish.
The title should be precise, concise, and descriptive of contents; the abstract and the keywords should convey the essential aspects of the contribution; the summary list of contents must correspond to the main headings in the text, when these exist, or, alternatively, to the inner structure of the essay.

4. Length. The length of the articles should be between 6000 and 8000 words, including all sections: i.e. title, abstract, keywords, summary, text, captions, acknowledgements, footnotes, references, and appendixes.

      2.3 Specific to book reviews 

1. Types. ES Reviewpublishes both commissioned and unsolicited book reviews.
2. Date of publication.The books reviewed must have been released within the past two years before the current issue.
3. Contents. Book reviews must include a concise and accurate description, analysis, and evaluation of the book under consideration and provide a clear idea of its contents and contribution to the field, particularly in relation to the extant scholarship on the topic. A reference list may be added before the names and contact details of the reviewers.
4. Length. Their total word-count should be from 1500 to 2000 words.

      2.4 Ensuring a blind review of the text 

The text of manuscripts must be fully anonymised and personal details deleted. Authors may refer to their own name and work title in the text by replacing them with [author(s)] and [title] and deleting the reference entirely from the list of references, using the placeholder [author(s)] instead. Acknowledgements to their institutions or funders must be declared separately in the metadata, during Step 3 in the Submission process.

  1. Style sheet

Authors must ensure that the style of their proposals conforms to the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers9th edition. It will guide questions of citations and referencing, and, as much as possible, issues of grammar and style. In this last respect,it needs to be reminded that ES Review encourages the use of inclusive language.

1. Spelling. Authors can choose either American or British spelling, but consistency is required.
2. Headings and sub-headings. Up to four levels of headings are permissible. Levels 3 and 4 must follow the pattern of level 2 in the template. To download the journal's prescribed templates, see 4.1 below.
3. Quotations. Brief quotations (less than 40 words) must be inserted in the main text within double quotation marks; long quotations (more than 40 words) must be inserted in a separate paragraph and indented from the left-hand margin; quotations of verse lines should be indented when these are four or more.
4. Footnotes. Footnotes should be reduced to a minimum. They must be intended for apposite material. Useful expository material is often better incorporated into the text or added as an appendix. Wherever possible, a note reference number should be placed at the end of a sentence.
5. Boldface, underlining, italics. Boldface, underlining, and italics should be avoided. Italics is used for foreign language, highlighting or emphasis. Please use the phrase 'emphasis added' or 'my/our emphasis', when words within a quotation have been italised by the author.
6. Examples. Examples should be indented. They should be numbered with Arabic numerals in parentheses: (1), (2), (3), etc.
7. Tables, figures, and graphics. They should follow a consecutive numbering, using Arabic numerals. Their preferred position in the text should be indicated in this way:

           INSERT TABLE 1 HERE

8. References in the text. The surname of the author(s) followed by the page number, within round brackets, e.g. (Highet 36).
9. Final list of references. References should be listed alphabetically. Names of authors must be written as they appear on the title page of the publication. When there are several entries by the same author, do not replace the name with dashes: provide the full name in all the entries.
10. Sample references. Authors should consult the MLA Handbook (9thedition) for specific uses. A few instances are provided here:

      Journal Article 
Connor, Steven. “The Strangeness of Charles Dickens.” English Review, vol. 2, no. 4, 1992, pp. 2-6. 

Highet, Gilbert. Greek and Roman Influences on Western Literature. Oxford UP, 1949. 

      Edited Work 
Grazia, Margreta de, and Stanley Wells, editors. The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare. Cambridge UP, 2001. 

      Book Chapter 
Saglia, Diego. “Iberian Translations: Writing Spain into British Culture, 1780-1830.” Romanticism and the Anglo‐Hispanic Imaginary, edited by Joselyn Almeida, Rodopi, 2010, pp. 25-51. 

      Electronic Document 
Kellaway, Kate. “Anne Carson: ‘I do not believe in art as therapy’.” The Guardian. 30 Oct. 2016, anne-carson-do-not-believe-art-therapy-interview-float/. 

     Materials from Archives and Collections 
Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Canterbury Tales. Circa 1400-10, British Library, London, Harley MS 7334.
Moore, Marianne. Letter to Bryher. 28 Sept. 1954. Bryher Papers, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale U, GEN MSS 97, box 38, folder 1373. 
Borges, Jorge Luis. “Thorkelin y el Beowulf.” 1955–60? Jorge Luis Borges Papers, Harry Ransom Center, U of Texas, Austin, section 2, container 1.14, ff. 1r–11v.

  1. Preparing files for submission

      4.1 Prescribed templates 

ES Review requires that article and review submissions are formatted using the journal's templates provided here: Template for articles / Template for reviews

For best results and editorial processing, authors should follow these steps: 

1. Download the template and save it in a Microsoft Word-compatible format (e.g., .doc or .rtf).
2. Rename the file as indicated in sections 4.2 or 4.3 below.
3. Select the headings in the language in which the manuscript is written (English or Spanish). Copy-paste content from the manuscript to the corresponding sections of the template (using the option ‘Keep Text Only’).
4. Revise format and introduce markers (e.g., italics) where appropriate.

      4.2 Files required to submit an article 

  1. Article text. The article's text file, formatted using the journal's template for articles above, saved in a Microsoft Word-compatible format and named ESReview_SHORT TITLE_article.
  • Headers and footers must be left blank. 
  • All preliminary identifying sections (name of author, affiliation, institution address, e-mail, ORCID, and editorial information) must be left blank. 
  • Title, abstract, keywords, and summary list of contents must be inserted in the corresponding sections. 
  • Appendices should start in a new page and follow the References list. 
  1. Personal details. A separate file containing the author's personal details. It must be Microsoft Word-compatible and be named ESReview_SURNAME_personaldetails. The information provided must be the following:
  • Author’s full name* 
  • Institution/Affiliation 
  • Position 
  • ORCID 
  • Institutional address 
  • Institutional e-mail 

*In multiple-authored contributions, please include the personal details of all authors and use asterisk (*) to signal the corresponding author. If there is more than one principal author or wish that their roles in the contribution are credited in the publication, please state so. 

*The authors who want to include two surnames as part of their names are recommended to adopt the hyphenated structure (e.g., Surname 1-Surname 2) to maximize their academic works in national and international databases indexing.

  1. Illustrations. Unlike files 1 and 2, this third file is optional. In the case that the article contains illustrations, a separate file containing supplementary material like tables, figures, and/or graphics must be uploaded. It must have a Word-compatible format and be named ESReview_SHORT TITLE_illustrations.
  • See 3.7 above for how to label their desired position within the text. 
  • If the article is accepted for publication, the authors will be required to supply all images as independent high-resolution 300 DPI files, with reproduction rights secured and indication of source. 

      4.3 Files required to submit a book review 

  1. Review text. The review's text file, formatted using the journal's template for reviews above and saved in a Word-compatible format. It should be named ESReview_SHORT TITLE_review.
  • Headers and footers must be left blank. 
  • The reference to the book under review must be given in full: author(s)/editor(s), book title, publication details, ISBN, total number of pages, price. 
  1. Curriculum vitae. A separate file containing the author's/s' brief CV. It should be named ESReview_SURNAME_cv and be Microsoft Word-compatible.

      4.4 Anonymising files 

Before submission, authors must remove hidden data (e.g. comments, revision marks from tracked changes) and personal information from document properties (metadata such as the name of the person who most recently saved a document and the date when a document was created) from all files (article, review, illustrations, personal details, CV). In Microsoft Word, this can be done by selecting File > Info > Check for Issues > Inspect Document > Remove All.

  1. Submitting a manuscript

All files must be submitted through the journal's online submission system using the template provided by the journal. Authors must follow these steps: 

      5.1 Registration 

First, the corresponding author needs to register as an Author, using the link above: 'Register', and complete a Registration Form online, with name, affiliation, e-mail, username, and password. 

      5.2 Submission process 

Once logged in, follow through the process: 

1. Start 
2. Upload Submission 
3. Enter Metadata
4. Confirmation
5. Next Steps 

  1. Submission preparation checklist.In step 1, authors must read and check off the submission's compliancewith all items in the ‘Submission preparations checklist’ above. They will be required to abide by the terms of the journal’s copyright notice and have their data processed under the privacy statement.
  2. Upload submission.In step 2, a window will open to allow them to upload and describe their files as ‘Article text’, ‘Data set’, and 'Personal details', or ‘Review text', and 'CV'. Authors can upload an unlimited number of main files using the 'Add another file' option and repeat the uploading process (Upload file, Review details, Confirm) as many times as necessary. All the files must be anonymized. Author names are not to be included in the names of the files.

Add another file. If asked, they need to make sure they select ''This is not a revision of an existing file" from the dropdown, when the file they are uploading is not meant to replace a previous upload.

Complete. Once they have finished uploading all of their files, they must click 'Complete' to close the upload window, and 'Save and continue', if no changes to the files need to be made.

  1. Enter metadata. Step 3 is for submission of metadata. At this stage, the corresponding author can provide the manuscript’s title, abstract and keywords, and funding agencies, as well as complete their personal details (full name, affiliation, e-mail, and ORCID), by expanding the blue arrow to the left of their name and making any changes using the 'Edit' link.

In multiple-authored works, they will have the opportunity to include the details corresponding to the rest of authors, by clicking the 'Add Contributor' link. For every author, the 'Bio Statement' box must be used to introduce the following information:

  • author's position,
  • complete institutional postal address,
  • authorship position in the publication, and
  • when desired or necessary, the particular role taken by each author in the research.

*The authors who want to include two surnames as part of their names are recommended to adopt the hyphenated structure (e.g., Surname 1-Surname 2) to maximize their academic works in national and international databases indexing.

       4 & 5. Confirm and complete.  Always move forward clicking ‘Save and Continue’ until asked to confirm that you are finished with your submission.

6. Editorial Policies & Ethics

Authors are expected to adhere strictly to the editorial and ethical policies of the journal outlined in the following links: Editorial Policies & EthicsCopyright and OA Policies, and Plagiarism and AI.

Copyright Notice

Authors retain publishing rights and grant ES Review. Spanish Journal of English Studies right of first publication.

Simultaneously, all articles and reviews published in ES Review until nº 43 are available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0) while those published from nº 44 onwards will be available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0), by which others are allowed to share and use their work with an acknowledgement of the work’s authorship and initial publication in this journal.

In addition, ES Review allows authors to arrange additional contracts for the non-exclusive publication of the journal’s published version of the work (e.g., in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal. In such a case, authors are required to approach the editors or publisher to request permission.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by this journal (namely, those relating the processing of manuscripts submitted for publication, their evaluating process, or the distribution of information concerning the published works) and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

Under REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), users can exercise their rights to request access to, and to rectification and erasure (right to be forgotten) of their personal information, restriction of and/or objection to data processing and portability, as well as not to transfer and/ or share your information with third parties individually.