The adoption of mobile banking applications from a dual perspective




app, banca móvil, modelo de factor dual, facilitadores, inhibidores


Abstract:   The rise of Fintech brought about an increase in competition for the banking sector given that, as well as offering services more oriented toward customers and optimizing the use of technologies, they often centered their activity on proposing products which traditional banking had offered. For its part, traditional banking finds in apps a fundamental tool and a way to counteract the pressure of the new competitors. This is why this work is aimed at analyzing, through a dual factor model, the facilitators and inhibitors of the adoption of mobile banking apps. Based on a field work of 240 surveys, and after applying Structural Equation Modeling, according to the results among the facilitators of the adoption of mobile banking the performance expectation plays a fundamental role, while satisfaction and sunk costs generate inertia in the use of digital banking.




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How to Cite

MEDINA-MOLINA, C., REY-MORENO, M., CAZURRO-BARAHONA, V., & PARRONDO, S. (2019). The adoption of mobile banking applications from a dual perspective. Sociología Y Tecnociencia, 9(2), 1–22.