Social change, technology and science-fiction


  • COSTÁN SEQUEIROS BRUNA Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • HÉCTOR PUENTE BIENVENIDO Universidad Francisco de Vitoria



, science-fiction; sociological theory; social change; technology


In this article we’ll explore the way in which science-fiction interacts with society. By doing so, it explores paths and desired destinies for social change, and it also maps and warns about potential risks. This all will be placed into context with the social scientific theories better suited to explore each of these phenomenons science-fiction is talking about. The overall goal is to show how science-fiction can be a valid study subject for social sciences, as well as a very important discourse to understand the society in which we live in, as well as preparing us for those that may be coming.


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Author Biography

COSTÁN SEQUEIROS BRUNA, Universidad Complutense de Madrid




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How to Cite

SEQUEIROS BRUNA, C., & PUENTE BIENVENIDO, H. (2019). Social change, technology and science-fiction. Sociología Y Tecnociencia, 9(2), 115–138.