La Comunidad virtual y su actor político: el hashtag #NoALaReeleccion en las elecciones panameñas de 2019
Political actorsAbstract
The general objective of the research is to characterize the groups that mobilized during the 2019 Panamanian elections around the hashtag #NoALaReelección. The conceptual framework articulates the theoretical developments of political sociology with the study of digital social networks. In addition to the classic bibliographic review, the qualitative-quantitative proposal of the research is exploratory and descriptive. Among the main findings, it stands out that there were five big clusters that guided the digital conversation, although with little interaction between them; that the hashtag was the virtual manifestation of a political actor, and not a casual, spontaneous and disorganized expression; and that the type of anti-corruption movement that was generated is consistent with the type “top-down”.
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