The role of technology as driving force of the social change


  • Juan-Carlos Sancho-Garcia University of Alicante
  • Adrián Ivorra-Alemañy Departamento de Sociología I, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Universidad de Alicante



Emerging technologies, Society and social change, Globalization and innovation


The progressive and constant deployment of new technologies has remarkably impacted on the society, even inadvertently. It constitutes, without any doubt, a timely agent and force for any social change, as we can evidence analyzing its incidence in diverse aspects such as companies and industries, or the productive sector generally speaking, the communication channels and mass media, the social relationships, and markedly on the citizenship quality of life. To adequately framework the last impact of this technological development, it is convenient to not forget its imbrication within the globalization phenomena, aligned with the milestones of the emerging technologies, and with the parallel growth of the information society. This would allow its analysis not only looking at the tangible results for the society, but also underlining those undesired consequences for the contemporaty societies. We hope to achieve with this approach a correct perspective for the subject of our research.


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11/09/2022 — Updated on 26/11/2022


How to Cite

Sancho-Garcia, J.-C., & Ivorra-Alemañy, A. (2022). The role of technology as driving force of the social change. Sociología Y Tecnociencia, 12(2), 20–34. (Original work published September 11, 2022)