Tarling Music Industry Ecosystem in The Digitalization Arena
music ecosystem, tarling music, digitalization arenaAbstract
Abstract: Tarlingmusic, which evolved from classical to modern, is deeply connected to the digital era. The changing music ecosystem is viewed not only historically, but also through the various change phenomena that occur. The ecological role of producer agents, managers, and singers in the digitalization arena, where tarlingmusic has historically faced two phases: classical (analog) and modern (digital). This study used a qualitative method with a case study approach from an ecomusicological perspective. As a result, this study discovers a socio-musical phenomenon that holistically divides the tarlingmusic ecosystem based on periodization and the roles of agents in the music industry, including production, distribution, and consumption sub-areas. Producer agencies, managers, and singers are navigating a new digitalization ecosystem that is influencing how they present tarlings in digital files and market them through paid platforms. Agents must also deal with a wide range of fans via social media live.
Keywords: music ecosystem, tarlingmusic, digitalization arena
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