Digitalization of transport in the South Russia macro-region and its environmental consequences


  • Marina Zvezdina Don State Technical University
  • Yuliya Shokova Don State Technical University
  • Yulianna Marchenko Don State Technical University
  • Sergey Popov Don State Technical University



South Russian macro-region, digitization of industry, transport, digital divide, broadband Internet access networks, environmental impact, electromagnetic background of the territory


This paper evaluates the digital maturity of the transport and storage industry in Southern Russia and the related changes in the electromagnetic background of this macro-region. Research was conducted using methods of abstraction, analysis and synthesis, comparative and correlation analysis to assess the impact of broadband access networks on the transport and storage industry in the South Russian macro-region. Computational prediction was used to assess changes in the electromagnetic background in areas where broadband access network base stations are located. Published works of modern Russian and foreign scientists prove the relevance of the researched topic. The analysis of the key points of the process of digitalization of the economy in general and the transport and storage industry in particular was carried out. The main problems connected with this process were identified. The results of the statistical evaluation of the relationship between the individual components of the digitalization index are presented. The results show that wireless broadband Internet access is the main mechanism of digitization, and subscribers in the Southern macro-region access it primarily through smartphones and tablet computers. The directions of elimination of the digital divide between the subjects of the macro-region are considered. The ecological consequences of industrial digitalization in the macro-region have been evaluated. The main directions of the increase of the digital maturity of the subjects of the macro-region were formulated. The assessment of the changes in the level of the electromagnetic background of the territory due to the implementation of 4G/LTE mobile communication networks was carried out.


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How to Cite

Zvezdina , M. ., Shokova, Y., Marchenko , Y. ., & Popov , S. . (2024). Digitalization of transport in the South Russia macro-region and its environmental consequences. Sociología Y Tecnociencia, 14(2), 1–22.


