El Didactic use of technologies and their indications in the global educational agenda: case study on implementations in Colombian university professors
Educational models, Didactics, Curriculum, Technology, University EducationAbstract
This article exposes the research results of a comparative center study in recognizing the different didactic integration models, with or without technological mediation, used by Colombian university teachers, analyzing the selection criteria, use and curricular effect in teaching curriculum. This incursion of technologies, especially within the development of critical, creative and scientific thinking to address reality and solve real problems; this category being part of the dimensions that constitute the collection instrument. The cross-sectional research, with a descriptive-inferential scope and a prospective and non-experimental record, was carried out with an initial sample of 190 participating teachers. However, to ensure completeness and inclusion criteria, the analysis sample was 163, responding to the conditions of randomness, size, and representativeness; according to gender, age range and maximum level of studies achieved, under a confidence level of 95% and an estimation error of 5%. The main results allowed us to infer the relationship between the use of these ICT-mediated models and their influence on the profile of citizens trained in Higher Education.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Isabel Jiménez Becerra, Yecid Eliecer Gaviria Restrepo, Jorge Amado Rentería Vera, Yecid Francísco Blanco Duarte, Miguel Rosso Jaimes, Cindy Meneses Castaño, Johanna Beatriz Ayala Moreno, Mauricio David Almeida Benavides
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