About the Journal

Sociology and Technoscience is a journal sponsored by the Universidad de Valladolid. It basic purpose is to fill a critical gap in Sociology. The central aim of Sociology and Technoscience is to study, understand and analyze the social influence of the various scientific and technological or technoscientific activities. Hence, the research about human health, politics, economics or ethics, among other disciplines of human knowledge (always in relation to the social research of scientific and technological knowledge) as well as the many concerns, factors, or imagined social impact generated by all activities of the techno-scientific system (biotechnology, information and communication technologies, cloning, politics, economics, drugs, technology risk, etc.) are of interest in this publication. Sociology and Technoscience has a biannual periodicity and it follows the usual mechanisms of the academic journals. We recommend reading the journal's editorial policy and guidelines. Soc&Tech texts accepted for publication in Spanish, Portuguese and English. This journal published five articles in each volume, in the event of we not have total articles two volumes will be unified in one annual number.

Peer Review Process (Double Blind)

Articles which do not comply with all the requisites established in the "Author Guidelines" will be returned to the authors for their eventual correction. Articles which comply with all the requisites will be subject to a double process of evaluation: At first, the Editorial Board will make a selection from the texts received, valuing if they meet the applicable requirements associated to quality academic publications. In a second moment, articles that have passed the first selection will be submitted to two experts in the field for a blind examination.

In order to maintain anonymity, authors are requested to refrain from referring to themselves in the first person. Should the evaluations be contradictory, the Editorial Board would request a third evaluation and then decide whether to publish the article. The decision of the Editorial Board is final and the authors will be informed of the decision within a maximum of ninety days following the reception of the paper (the evaluators' leave time will not be included in this ninety-day period). As the journal is committed to carrying out the evaluation process in a brief period of time and as a consideration to the referees, authors are kindly asked not to submit their article to another journal until they have received the results of the evaluation.

Articles with two positive reports will be sent to the authors to make the corrections suggested by the evaluators. The authors have a maximum period of one month to return articles which will be published when they are corrected.

The average time for the evaluation of the articles is currently 60-90 days, an accountant from the date of confirmation of receipt of the same.

Publication Frequency

Sociology and technoscience is a biannual publication. As far as possible, the work is published at the beginning of each semester, although this desideratum is not always possible.

Also, our journal accepts the edition of monographic numbers that can be extraordinary or not. If the number is extraordinary, it has been published for the duration of the year, but not on the specific date.

Code of Conduct:

The journal will comply with the ethical code established in the Ediciones Universidad Valladolid Good Practice Guidelines, which adheres to the principles proposed by the Committee on Publications Ethics (COPE). This guide establishes the ethical way of proceeding by authors, editorial committees and reviewers, the content of which is summarized below:

  1. Authors

Authors of articles must undertake to conduct their research in an ethical and responsible manner, in compliance with prevailing legislation and the aspects included in section 1 of the Ediciones Universidad Valladolid Good Practice Guidelines. Work shall be original and unpublished, and shall be duly attributed to those who have prepared it, avoiding plagiarism (misappropriation of others' work or ideas), self-plagiarism (taking advantage of ideas or previous works of one's own authorship without citing the source) and multiple or redundant publication of the same work. Clear reference should be made to the sources used and to previous papers on the same subject matter, explaining the origin of the data and ideas, of the literal quotations or of other resources (such as graphs, images, tables, etc.). Failure to comply with these aspects may lead to the public disavowal of the articles, as explained in section 2. 2 of the aforementioned guide.

Information from private conversations or discussions with others in academia or science may not be used without their explicit permission. If images or graphics that are not originally from the author are included in the work, they must have express permission to use them and cite the authorship appropriately.

Woks that are being evaluated in whole or in part by another publisher cannot be submitted. Once submitted to Ediciones Universidad de Valladolid, the originals cannot be sent to another journal or publisher until the evaluation process has been completed.

  1. Editorial committee

The members of the editorial committee must ensure the quality of the publications, promoting good practices in research, trying to avoid malpractice and trying to speed up the publication processes.

The evaluation process must be managed fairly and impartially, respecting the thinking of those who have written the work and guaranteeing them the right to disagree with the evaluation reports.

It is the responsibility of the editorial committee to manage the evaluation process of publications fairly and impartially, respecting the thinking of authors and guaranteeing them the right to disagree with the evaluation reports.

Members of the editorial committees must respect the confidentiality of the articles and their contents until the time of publication and may not use the data in the work for their own research, unless they have the express permission of the authors.

The editorial committees may consider the refusal of authors to have their work evaluated by certain persons, evaluating whether the reasons provided are justified, but they are not obliged to dispense with the use of these persons.

The editorial committees shall recognise the work of the reviewers, issuing, where appropriate, the corresponding accreditations to those who have adequately carried out their work.

The editorial committee must try to avoid malpractice in research (redundant publication, plagiarism or selfplagiarism, omission of cited sources, invented, misrepresented, manipulated or unauthorised use of data ...). Where instances of research malpractice are noted in manuscripts received, the author will be invited to correct them if the misuse affects a small part of the article, and the manuscript will be rejected if it affects a substantial part.

If malpractice is discovered after publication, the editorial committee will request clarifications from the author and, after evaluating their explanations, will make a decision on the matter. If only part of the work contains errors, this can be resolved by publishing an erratum. If the malpractice affects a substantial part of the article, it must be retracted, in accordance with the procedure described in section 2. 2 of the Ediciones Universidad Valladolid Good Practice Guidelines.

Likewise, the editorial committee will try to resolve any possible conflicts of interest described in section 2. 4 of the aforementioned guide.

  1. Reviewer/s

Reviewers must refrain from reviewing the works if they had any relationship with the authors that would advise against it, as explained in section 3 of the Ediciones Universidad Valladolid Good Practice Guidelines.

The work of reviewers must be confidential, both during the evaluation process and after the eventual publication of the evaluated work. Reviewers will not be able to use the evaluated content for their own personal benefit or that of other people, and they must respect the opinions and intellectual position of those who have written the articles, judging the work objectively and impartially, arguing their judgements appropriately, showing respect, constructively correcting possible errors and providing suggestions for improvement with regard to the contents, formal presentation, writing and bibliography used in the work.

In the event that any malpractice is detected in the work reviewed, reviewers must notify the editorial committees so that their members can take the corresponding decisions.

Reviewers are required to submit their reports within the agreed time. If they are unable to complete their task on time, or if they do not consider themselves capable of evaluating the work, they should inform the members of the editorial committees as soon as possible.

Editorial objective

Nowaday, Sociology of the Technoscientific System (understood in a broad sense) has been relegated to the field of academic opacity, giving way to research in disciplines such as philosophy, pedagogy, economics, etc. For this reason, and conscious of the importance of transdisciplinarity, the present digital publishing project aims to enhance the academic relevance of this sociological discipline. However, we are aware of the importance of philosophical, educational, historical, etc. So they will also be part of the interest of sociology and technoscience (although not its main objective) and as long as the central object of them is linked to sociology. For all this, Sociology and technoscience is a platform for publishing this type of work, research and academic reflections, being at the service of researchers, teachers and all those interested in the sociology of the techno-scientific system.

Open Access Policy

Sociología y tecnociencia/ Sociology & Technoscience/ Sociologia e tecnociência is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

This license is acceptable for Free Cultural Works.

Copyright notice:

The journal allows the authors to retain publishing rights. Authors may reprint their articles in other media without having to request authorization, provided they indicate that the article was originally published in Sociology and Technoscience.

Peer Review Process

Before its publication, it will be analyzed (at least) by two external evaluators, who will be able to make proposals of modification, if appropriate. For the final acceptance of an article requires a positive assessment of both; In case of notable discrepancies, the article will be submitted to a third evaluator.

No charges for submission of papers or publication on Open Access (APC)

The journal does not have either article submission charges or article processing charges. Also, it will no required any charged to author for publishing on open access (APC).

History of Sociología y tecnociencia

The journal Sociología y tecnociencia was born in the year 2010 as a motivation result of a group of social scientists of the University of Valladolid, with the intention of filling a gap in Ibero-American academic production.

In 2021 the responsible team of the journal is expanded and renewed. Then, begins a third period marked by a change in appearance, in the criteria of quality and scientific impact, as well as in the numbering system and the inclusion of extraordinary issues. With these changes the human team of Sociología y tecnociencia wants to continue making that this journal to be one of the international references in its scientific field.

DOI (Digital Object Identifier) and preservation of digital files

A DOI (Digital Object Identifier) will be assigned to the articles published in the journal. The articles will also be housed in the Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Valladolid and in other databases, and will be archived by the Servicio de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones de la Universidad de Valladolid (STIC).

Plagiarism prevention tool

The journal has an plagiarism prevention tool provided by the Servicio de las Tecnologias de la Información y las Comunicaciones de la Universidad de Valladolid (STIC).