Disparities on the Internet Use among European Countries



Internet use; measurement; ESS; European countries.


Internet Use among European Countries has been analyzed attending data provided by the European Social Survey (2016). The present article aims to offer broader information regarding Internet use and remark existing disparities among participant countries on the Survey. Sociodemographic variables as gender, age, education level or country have been taken into consideration for presenting a descriptive analysis of data. Furthermore, the frequency of internet use and time spent online, both, have been examined to explore differences among them. Results and conclusions are presented for discussion.


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Author Biography

Sabrina Femenia Mulet, Universitat Politècnica de València, España.




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How to Cite

Femenia Mulet, S. (2020). Disparities on the Internet Use among European Countries. Sociología Y Tecnociencia, 10(1), 117–135. Retrieved from https://revistas.uva.es/index.php/sociotecno/article/view/4224