Muslim’s Philanthropy in Singapore and the Role of Government


  • Sugeng Riyanto Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
  • Moh Nizar Universitas Lampung
  • Ratih Herningtyas Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta


Philanthropy; Zakat; Infaq; Sadakah.


Muslims in Singapore are minority under the rule of secular state. The main purpose of this study was to explore the. development of Islamic philanthropy in Singapore, especially regarding zakat distribution or other social worships. Further, the paper has analyzed that if Muslim Singaporeans prefer paying zakat independently or through institution and how big is the zakat fund that has been collected and distributed by Singaporean Islamic community to the recipients. This analysis of the study was based on qualitative research with content analysis. Meanwhile, considering that qualitative approach prioritizes interpretation of the data collected, the data presented in this study is the form of justification of opinions or arguments. This research reveals that despite the fact that Singapore is a secular state, government provide facilities for Muslim spending their zakat infaq and sadakah, through government owned institution i.e., Majelis Ugama Isam Singapura (MUIS) as well as private religion association such as Muhammadiyah and Jamiyah. Fundraising means, such as zakat and sadaqah, are performed using online payment methods like PayNow, eNETS online, and AXS. These funds are then allocated for social programs such basic services and supportive programs for the poor and needy, for building masjid (mosque) and madrasah (school), scholarships and funeral budget.


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Author Biography

Sugeng Riyanto, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta




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How to Cite

Riyanto, S., Nizar, M., & Herningtyas, R. (2021). Muslim’s Philanthropy in Singapore and the Role of Government. Sociología Y Tecnociencia, 11(2), 194–214. Retrieved from