Intersectoriality in childhood policies in Chile: Intensification and extraction of records during the Covid-19 pandemic
COVID19 - Childhood Policy – Health Information Systems – Actor-Network Theory - BiopoliticsAbstract
Within the framework of a broader investigation, this paper reports qualitative results whose objective was to analyze the effects that the Information Registration System (IRS) has had on the forms of management and organization of the work of the intersectoral childhood programme Chile Crece Contigo (ChCC), in the pandemic context by COVID19. Taking as reference the actor-network theory and the theory of power proposed by Michel Foucault, 20 semi-structured interviews with regional and communal ChCC actors in a region of southern Chile were analyzed. The results show that there is still resistance on the part of health professionals to use the ChCC platform, due to the multiplicity of records they have to feed, where the IRS is relegated. From an understanding of technologies as actors, the IRS has not managed to articulate the actions of the health sector, which contradicts the supposed role of articulation between different sectors attributed to the territorial coordinators of the ChCC. If we accept that the sociotechnical frameworks are not isolated from the logics of government, we can conclude that the insistence on adopting the ChCC’s own IRS may reflect a logic of government, according to which each actor seeks the achievement its objectives through the extraction of resources and data from the action of other sectors, rather than through the articulation with others.
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