Assessing Social Movements in the Digital Age: Participation, Interaction and Empowerment in the Context of the #Metoo Mobilisation
social networks, feminism, #metoo, social movementsAbstract
This article proposes a framework to analyze social movements in the digital era, from three concepts: i) digital participation, ii) social interaction, and iii) empowerment (PIE model). In addition, it was applied to the #metoo movement. Tweets were collected in 12 months, according to certain keywords. More than one million tweets (and retweets) were collected from 1,450,000 accounts. The aim was to generate a holistic tool to study in depth the impact of cybermobilization on the physical environment, and vice versa, which could be used to study other social movements.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Marta Mira-Aladren, María Pilar Latorre Martínez, David Iñiguez Martínez
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