Vol. 9 (2020): Doing business in Islamic countries

					Ver Vol. 9 (2020): Doing business in Islamic countries

The so called “Islamic world”, no doubts about, is a general interest topic, and of
special relevance for Spain; from a single economic perspective, as an example, the ten
years after the 2008 crisis have seen a significant positive contribution coming out
from the duplication of exports to this environment, exports that account nowadays to
10% of the total volume of Spanish companies. This achievement, a relevant one, tops
off centuries of privileged relations.
In a more general view, we are seeing a convergence among economic interests and
every kind of relations (oil and gas, large international investment projects, the
growing influence of the axis China / India / Arab countries / Africa…) and tensions of
all kind in every dimension.

Publicado: 21/01/2020