Vol. 14 No. 2 (2024) -
Vol. 14 No. 1 (2024) -
Vol. 13 No. 2 (2023) -
Development, the Politics of Change, Contestation, and Adaptation in Contemporary Southeast Asia
Vol. 13 No. 1 (2023)The future of the entire area will be greatly influenced by Southeast Asia, which is at the heart of the continent and has the most vibrant economy in the entire world. Southeast Asia also provides a window into some of the most important political themes of our time. The twelve pages that follow give a comprehensive overview of Southeast Asia's astounding variety of governmental structures, cultural practices, and traditional ways of life—all of which are uniformly undergoing a number of important changes. The future of the entire area will be greatly influenced by Southeast Asia, which is at the heart of the continent and has the most vibrant economy in the entire world. Southeast Asia also provides a window into some of the most important political themes of our time.
Science, society, technological and communicational transformations.
Vol. 12 No. 2 (2022)The link and current state between science and society, together with the expansion and development of information and communication technologies, in addition to environmental and health risks, are part of the central transformations in the societies of the 21st century. This is taking place rapidly and uncertainly in a contemporary context of health, economic and political crisis with vast consequences yet to be elucidated.
Given this scenario, scientific reflection and research are necessary to contribute to understanding, orientation and innovation in various areas: public health, distance education, virtualization and digitalization, citizenship and participation, social security, technologies and inequalities, family and institutional transformations, traceability and immunology, among others. Phenomena that are currently in tension and in dynamics of renewal or structural revolution.
This dossier has particular interest in the inclusion of analysis on these transformations experienced by society in recent times, their link with old and new inequalities, post-pandemic scenarios, opportunities and impact on cultural, scientific and socio-economic changes.
Challenges and defiances of gender violence and new technologies
Vol. 12 No. 1 (2022)Women's Studies, Feminists and Gender Studies have raised relevant theoretical contributions to scientific knowledge, that are essential to understand the surrounding reality. Among the most important contributions is the consolidation of the gender category and feminist epistemology as a way for a more inclusive and less segregationist science. An essential analysis tool to understand the processes of inequality between men and women, and the development of a critical point of view that questions the traditional and androcentric perspective of scientific knowledge.
The Impact of Advances in Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Learning Systems, and Science
Vol. 11 No. Extra_2 (2021) -
Pandemics and its aftermath in Southeast Asia
Vol. 11 No. 2 (2021)It would be an understatement to describe 2020 as the challenging year. Coronavirus swept the globe and over 2.16 million people have died from the disease till-date. Even in Southeast Asia, which has fared moderately well in minimalizing deaths, economies of these countries have either ground to the halt or profoundly slender due to the region’s dependance on tourism and export. In this wake, many research institutions have been working to analyze the impact, aftereffects, and ways to limit the spread of Covid-19. But what have South-east Asia learnt from nearly a one year of responses to COVID-19? A key question, not yet answered, is how to find the elusive balance between economic curbs, public health concerns and attain the right balance between open borders and rigorous safety measures.
Present and Future of STEM Training: Challenges and Defiances
Vol. 11 No. Extra_1 (2021)Education in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM, for its acronym in English) is well known, its impact on education and people's future work. In the educational field, knowledge in STEM is crucial to strengthen today's indispensable skills, such as creativity and innovation, problem solving, critical thinking, digital literacy, among others. Such learned knowledge and skills increase students' interest and motivation to pursue STEM-related careers, which are vital in today's workforce.
Seeking Eccentricity
Vol. 11 No. 1 (2021)Este monográfico de Sociología y Tecnociencia explora debates sobre los usos del concepto de excentricidad en el campo de los estudios feministas y de género. La búsqueda de la excentricidad responde al interés de las editoras por reflexionar sobre enfoques metodológicos que nos ayuden a desviarnos de los patrones canónicos para adentrarnos en formas transgresoras y diferentes de la investigación. Reunimos contribuciones que versan sobre análisis de las tecnologías de género, sexualidad y corporalidades y proponen formas nuevas de cambiar el enfoque, de dislocar o borrar las fronteras entre sujetos y objetos de estudio. En resumen, con este monográfico intentamos aportar enfoques de género a la ciencia para explorar excéntricamente las formas en las que lxs investigadorxs feministas piensan e investigan de forma alternativa.
Search and count the disappearance: techniques and methods
Vol. 10 No. 1 (2020)Las “viejas” prácticas de desaparición vinculadas con los regímenes dictatoriales de los años 70 en América Latina —que enlazan con formas persistentes de genocidios y exterminios de poblaciones originarias— siguen teniendo la actualidad de todo lo que queda por contar, descubrir y juzgar. Junto a estas, encontramos hoy nuevas formas de desaparición en las que el perpetrador o causante no es siempre el Estado y cuando lo es, su responsabilidad tiene que ver en muchas ocasiones más por omisión que por acción: feminicidios y trata de mujeres; migrantes que desaparecen cruzando las fronteras del sur al norte (México, el Mediterráneo); múltiples situaciones de violencia y vulnerabilidad (Guatemala, Colombia); incluso las hay “sin una causa aparente”, desapariciones ordinarias. Los ejemplos abundan y son la muestra de que la desaparición adquiere una vigencia y persistencia que sabemos innegable.
Objectification and marketisation of women: technologies as instrument of violence.
Vol. 9 No. 1 (2019)Monograph - Objectification and marketisation of women: technologies as instrument of violence.
[January-June, 2019]
Dr. Ana María González Ramos (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya).
Dr. Esther Torrado Martín-Palomino (Universidad de La Laguna).
New technological challenges: Robotics, big data and other tecnologies.
Vol. 9 No. 2 (2019)[Period: July-December] -
Brain Evolution, Mental Health and Society
Vol. 8 No. 2 (2018)Brain Evolution, Mental Health and Society
A journey through recent data on the brain: its evolution, mental health and its social consequences.
[Period: july-december]
Guest Editor - Manuel Torres Cubeiro PhD. [GCEIS - University of Santiago de Compostela].
The body in the technological society.
Vol. 8 No. 1 (2018)Guest Editor:
María Teresa Russo
Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione.
Università Roma Tre
Hermeneutics and society: a blooming desert
Vol. 7 No. 2 (2017)[Publish period: july-december]
Monograph about Hermeneutics and Society.
In the foothills of the cyborg landscape
Vol. 7 No. 1 (2017)[Publish period: january-june]
Guest Editor: Dr. Milton Aragón (Benemérita Universidad de Puebla)
This monograph deepens in the cyborg landscape concept and in its social implications.