Epistemological scopes of the social and humanistic sciences and their problems for the approach to reality





Science; epistemology; Nietzsche; Vattimo; Foucault.


This article assumes the epistemological problem in the study of social and humanistic sciences, its different approaches to the nature of knowledge, its formation and risks or limitations are denoted. Likewise, the critical aspects of truth, knowledge and science are addressed from the approaches of F. Nietzsche, G. Vattimo and M. Foucault. These question positivist reductionisms and draw attention to the difficulties of neutrality in science due to the external influences of power relations and various existing interests. However, we believe it is important to develop a comprehensive and interdisciplinary vision of science to prevent reductionisms and achieve a broader and more humanistic knowledge.



Ayer, A. (1977); Bunge (2007); (Foucault, 2008, p. 23); (Foucault, 2008, p. 45); (Foucault, 2012, p. 33); (Foucault, 1994, pp 41 – 42); ( Foucault, 1994, pp 53 – 54); (Foucault, 1986, p. 40); (Foucault, 2008; pp. 237 – 238); Kuhn, T. (1972); Laudan (1990); Laudan (1993) ; (Mora, 1973, pp 340 - 341); (Nietzsche, 2011, p. 260); (Nietzsche, 2010, p. 60); (Vattimo, 1987, p. 147); (Vattimo y Rovatti, 1995, p. 47); (Vattimo, 2010, p. 16); (Vattimo, 2010, p. 18); (Vattimo, 2010, p. 19); (Vattimo, 2010, p. 28); (Vattimo, 2010, p. 29); (Vásquez et al. 2001); (Villoro, 2007); (Warburton, 2017).




How to Cite

Cáceres Bejarano, H. A. (2022). Epistemological scopes of the social and humanistic sciences and their problems for the approach to reality. Sociología Y Tecnociencia, 12(2), 252–270. https://doi.org/10.24197/st.2.2022.252-270